Project Location Model
- 1. Property
Project Location Model > schemeVersion
- 2. Property
Project Location Model > activityDescriptionGeneral
- 3. Property
Project Location Model > additionalActivityDescription
- 4. Property
Project Location Model > alternativeLocationTypeName
- 5. Property
Project Location Model > budgetShare
- 6. Property
Project Location Model > dac5PurposeCode
- 7. Property
Project Location Model > dataOwner
- 8. Property
Project Location Model > dateOfDataCollection
- 9. Property
Project Location Model > filenameOfAdditionalGeoData
- 10. Property
Project Location Model > geographicExactness
- 11. Property
Project Location Model > sector_location
- 12. Property
Project Location Model > kfwProjectNoINPRO
- 13. Property
Project Location Model > locationActivityStatus
- 14. Property
Project Location Model > locationName
- 15. Property
Project Location Model > plannedOrActualEndDate
- 16. Property
Project Location Model > plannedOrActualStartDate
- 17. Property
Project Location Model > primaryKey
- 18. Property
Project Location Model > projectAcronym
- 19. Property
Project Location Model > projectSpecificLocationIdentifier
- 20. Property
Project Location Model > publishingRestrictions
- 21. Property
Project Location Model > relatedCommunityVillageNeighborhood
- 22. Property
Project Location Model > uniqueId
Title: Project Location Model
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: This schema defines the structure of the project location model. It is used to validate the project location data provided by the KfW counterpart.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ schemeVersion | No | const | No | - | - |
+ activityDescriptionGeneral | No | string | No | - | A short description of the main project activity in this location. |
- additionalActivityDescription | No | string | No | - | Free text for additional location–specific information. |
- alternativeLocationTypeName | No | string | No | - | If you selected 'other physical' or 'other immaterial' in the column 'Location Type Name', please propose your own location type name. |
- budgetShare | No | number | No | - | The budget share allocated to this location in €. |
+ dac5PurposeCode | No | enum (of integer) | No | In dac5_schema.json | DAC 5 Purpose Code |
+ dataOwner | No | string | No | - | Legal entity that owns the data provided here (= legal authorship). |
- dateOfDataCollection | No | string | No | - | Date of data collection or latest update. |
- filenameOfAdditionalGeoData | No | string | No | - | Filename of the KML file where the associated geometry information is found. |
+ geographicExactness | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Please use 'exact' if you know the geographically exact end destination of a financial flow. |
+ sector_location | No | enum (of null) | No | In sector_location_schema.json | Sectoral / cross-sectoral location type preselection field. / most appropriate location type. This area isn't rendered correctly. Please look at the sector_location_schema-doc or sector_location_schema-definition directly |
+ kfwProjectNoINPRO | No | string | No | - | Every project location in the FC Geodata Model must be assigned to its respective KfW project number, which is provided by KfW. |
- locationActivityStatus | No | enum (of string) | No | - | The location activity status according to the IATI standard. |
+ locationName | No | string | No | - | Short name of the project site ideally containing a summary of the main project activity and the location name. |
+ plannedOrActualEndDate | No | string | No | - | Approximate planned or actual end date of activities on the ground. |
+ plannedOrActualStartDate | No | string | No | - | Approximate planned or actual start date of implementation of activities on the ground. |
- primaryKey | No | string | No | - | This is only required if you provide additional geolocation information in another KML file. |
- projectAcronym | No | string | No | - | Please enter the acronym used for the name/title of the project to be visible on your map. |
- projectSpecificLocationIdentifier | No | object | No | - | If the location or activity has a project-specific identifier, it can be entered here. |
+ publishingRestrictions | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Indicates if this information is collected in fragile regions and should therefore be omitted from publicly available reports. |
- relatedCommunityVillageNeighborhood | No | string | No | - | You may enter a village, hamlet, or neighborhood name that relates to this location. |
- uniqueId | No | string | No | - | For new locations, this column will be empty. For updates, your KfW counterpart will provide you with a list of unique_id numbers in this file to ensure that updated location IDs match with the former ones. |
1. Property Project Location Model > schemeVersion
Type | const |
Required | Yes |
Specific value: "1.0"
2. Property Project Location Model > activityDescriptionGeneral
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Description: A short description of the main project activity in this location.
3. Property Project Location Model > additionalActivityDescription
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: Free text for additional location–specific information.
4. Property Project Location Model > alternativeLocationTypeName
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: If you selected 'other physical' or 'other immaterial' in the column 'Location Type Name', please propose your own location type name.
5. Property Project Location Model > budgetShare
Type | number |
Required | No |
Description: The budget share allocated to this location in €.
6. Property Project Location Model > dac5PurposeCode
Title: DAC 5 Purpose Code
Type | enum (of integer) |
Required | Yes |
Defined in | dac5_schema.json |
Description: The DAC 5 Purpose Codes for the entire project.
Must be one of: * 11110 * 11120 * 11130 * 11182 * 11220 * 11230 * 11231 * 11232 * 11240 * 11250 * 11260 * 11320 * 11330 * 11420 * 11430 * 12110 * 12181 * 12182 * 12191 * 12220 * 12230 * 12240 * 12250 * 12261 * 12262 * 12263 * 12264 * 12281 * 12310 * 12320 * 12330 * 12340 * 12350 * 12382 * 13010 * 13020 * 13030 * 13040 * 13081 * 14010 * 14015 * 14020 * 14021 * 14022 * 14030 * 14031 * 14032 * 14040 * 14050 * 14081 * 15110 * 15111 * 15112 * 15113 * 15114 * 15125 * 15130 * 15142 * 15150 * 15151 * 15152 * 15153 * 15160 * 15170 * 15180 * 15190 * 15210 * 15220 * 15230 * 15240 * 15250 * 15261 * 16010 * 16020 * 16030 * 16040 * 16050 * 16061 * 16062 * 16063 * 16064 * 16070 * 16080 * 21010 * 21020 * 21030 * 21040 * 21050 * 21061 * 21081 * 22010 * 22020 * 22030 * 22040 * 23110 * 23181 * 23182 * 23183 * 23210 * 23220 * 23230 * 23231 * 23232 * 23240 * 23250 * 23260 * 23270 * 23310 * 23320 * 23330 * 23340 * 23350 * 23360 * 23410 * 23510 * 23610 * 23620 * 23630 * 23631 * 23640 * 23641 * 23642 * 24010 * 24020 * 24030 * 24040 * 24050 * 24081 * 25010 * 25020 * 25030 * 25040 * 31110 * 31120 * 31130 * 31140 * 31150 * 31161 * 31162 * 31163 * 31164 * 31165 * 31166 * 31181 * 31182 * 31191 * 31192 * 31193 * 31194 * 31195 * 31210 * 31220 * 31261 * 31281 * 31282 * 31291 * 31310 * 31320 * 31381 * 31382 * 31391 * 32110 * 32120 * 32130 * 32140 * 32161 * 32162 * 32163 * 32164 * 32165 * 32166 * 32167 * 32168 * 32169 * 32170 * 32171 * 32172 * 32173 * 32174 * 32182 * 32210 * 32220 * 32261 * 32262 * 32263 * 32264 * 32265 * 32266 * 32267 * 32268 * 32310 * 33110 * 33120 * 33130 * 33140 * 33150 * 33181 * 33210 * 41010 * 41020 * 41030 * 41040 * 41081 * 41082 * 43010 * 43030 * 43040 * 43050 * 43060 * 43071 * 43072 * 43073 * 43081 * 43082 * 51010 * 52010 * 53030 * 53040 * 60010 * 60020 * 60030 * 60040 * 60061 * 60062 * 60063 * 72010 * 72040 * 72050 * 73010 * 74020 * 91010 * 93010 * 99810 * 99820
7. Property Project Location Model > dataOwner
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Legal entity that owns the data provided here (= legal authorship).
8. Property Project Location Model > dateOfDataCollection
Type | string |
Required | No |
Format | date |
Description: Date of data collection or latest update.
9. Property Project Location Model > filenameOfAdditionalGeoData
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: Filename of the KML file where the associated geometry information is found.
10. Property Project Location Model > geographicExactness
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: Please use 'exact' if you know the geographically exact end destination of a financial flow.
Must be one of: * "exact" * "approximate (yet unknown)" * "approximate (security)" * "approximate (admin unit)"
11. Property Project Location Model > sector_location
Type | enum (of null) |
Required | Yes |
Defined in | sector_location_schema.json |
Description: Sectoral / cross-sectoral location type preselection field. / most appropriate location type. This area isn't rendered correctly. Please look at the sector_location_schema-doc or sector_location_schema-definition directly
Must be one of: * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null * null
12. Property Project Location Model > kfwProjectNoINPRO
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Every project location in the FC Geodata Model must be assigned to its respective KfW project number, which is provided by KfW.
13. Property Project Location Model > locationActivityStatus
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: The location activity status according to the IATI standard.
Must be one of: * "NA" * "Pipeline/identification" * "Implementation" * "Finalisation" * "Closed" * "Cancelled" * "Suspended"
14. Property Project Location Model > locationName
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Short name of the project site ideally containing a summary of the main project activity and the location name.
15. Property Project Location Model > plannedOrActualEndDate
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Format | date |
Description: Approximate planned or actual end date of activities on the ground.
16. Property Project Location Model > plannedOrActualStartDate
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Format | date |
Description: Approximate planned or actual start date of implementation of activities on the ground.
17. Property Project Location Model > primaryKey
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: This is only required if you provide additional geolocation information in another KML file.
18. Property Project Location Model > projectAcronym
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: Please enter the acronym used for the name/title of the project to be visible on your map.
19. Property Project Location Model > projectSpecificLocationIdentifier
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: If the location or activity has a project-specific identifier, it can be entered here.
20. Property Project Location Model > publishingRestrictions
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: Indicates if this information is collected in fragile regions and should therefore be omitted from publicly available reports.
Must be one of: * "yes" * "no"
21. Property Project Location Model > relatedCommunityVillageNeighborhood
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: You may enter a village, hamlet, or neighborhood name that relates to this location.
22. Property Project Location Model > uniqueId
Type | string |
Required | No |
Description: For new locations, this column will be empty. For updates, your KfW counterpart will provide you with a list of unique_id numbers in this file to ensure that updated location IDs match with the former ones.
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2025-02-17 at 15:47:41 +0000