Project Location Icons
Zero hunger
AGRF - agricultural facility
CNLI - irrigation canal
CULT - cultivated area
FRM - farm
OCH - orchard
Good health and Well-Being
HSP - hospital
HSPC - clinic
HSPD - dispensary
Quality Education
SCH - school
SCHA - agricultural school
SCHC - college
SCHT - technical school
Clean Water and Sanitation
CNLA - aqueduct
PMPW - water pumping station
RSVT - water tank
SAN - sanitary facilities
SWT - sewage treatment plant
WLL - well
WTRW - waterworks
Affordable and Clean Energy
CVS - converter station
EPTD - electric power transmission and distribution
PS - power station
PSH - hydroelectric power station
PVGD - photovoltaik grid
PVPS - photovoltaik power station
Decent Work and Economic Growth
CTRB - business centre
DEVH - housing development
INDS - industrial area
MFG - factory
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
BDG - bridge
BLDG - building
CHN - channel
DAM - dam
DRCNL - city street with drainage canal
FPWL - flood protection wall
HSE - house
RD - road
ST - street
Climate Action
FRST - forest
PRK - road
WTRC - watercourse
Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
ADMF - administrative facility
BLDO - office building
CMN - common
CTRCM - community center
GDN - garden
GOVL - local government office
MKT - market
PP - police post
PPL - populated place
ZN - zone